Medical Emu Oil Info.

The Emu Oil Institute

Emu Oil Used for Eczema
Eczema on baby leg

Eczema:  Below is documentation of Emu Oil used for Eczema provided by Dr. Dan Dean, 28 year medical practitioner.

Eczema Photo 1 - Emu Oil Elderly woman with severe eczema.  As of this photo, she had been treated by a physician with conventional type therapy (cortisone, antibiotics, IV, oral).  All prior medications were discontinued.
Eczema Photo 2 - Emu Oil Eczema lesion after one week of pure emu oil application.
Eczema Photo 3 - Emu Oil Eczema lesion after three weeks of therapy using just pure Emu oil.

Please note, wounds should be cleaned thoroughly before using Emu oil. 

No information contained within the pages of should be construed as medical advice. We are not doctors. Please contact your physician for medical advice. We make no medical claims, expressed or implied.

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