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What Is Emu Oil


Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Emu oil is what your body needs for health and wellness.

Emu Oil, a food by-product, is obtained from the fat of the Emu. When the emu is processed for its healthy red meat, the fat is then refined into oil. It is an all natural substance. When processed, the fat is taken through a series of steps to refine, sterilize and deodorize it. Not all emu oil on the market is "refined", so we must warn consumers to beware. Some forms of emu oil are simply "rendered"; this means the oil has only been filtered, and may contain contaminants. Always ask for "refined" oil. It is not necessary to purchase "AEA Certified" Emu oil. That is just a program the AEA set up years ago that its members pay a fee to be able to use their logo.

Be aware, there are different refining processes, as well. One process uses caustic chemicals such as lye, another is an all natural process, using natural clays. In the refining process, it is important that the oil be brought up to a high enough temperature to eliminate all bacteria. A safe oil is one which has been heated high enough to kill all bacteria and does not diminish the integrity of the oil.

Emu Oil can be used for the "whole person". Its basis and benefits are derived from Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). EFA's are involved with producing life energy in our bodies from food substances, and moving that energy throughout our systems. They govern growth, vitality, and mental state. They hook up oxygen, electron transport, and energy in the process of oxidation. Oxidation, the central and most important moment-to-moment living process in our body, is the burning of food to produce the energy required for life processes.

Emu Oil contains both Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart. The omega-3 oils increase the concentrations of good cholesterol (high density lipoproteins, HDL) while decreasing the concentrations of bad cholesterol (triglycerides). In addition, eating omega-3-rich food will result in a moderate decrease in total cholesterol level.

Omega-6, or Linoleic acid, is a colorless to straw-colored, liquid, polyunsaturated fatty acid. Linoleic and another fatty acid, gamma-linolenic, or gamolenic, produce prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are substances that are found in every cell, are needed for the body's overall health maintenance, and must be replenished constantly. Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid, which means that the body cannot produce it, so it must be obtained in the diet.

Linoleic acid is an important fatty acid, especially for the growth and development of infants. Fatty acids help to maintain the health of cell membranes, improve nutrient use, and establish and control cellular metabolism. They also provide the raw materials that help in the control of blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, body temperature, and other body functions. Fatty acids are consumed in the greatest quantities in fat. Although many people are encouraged to consume less fat in their diets, fat is still an important component of a healthy body. Fat stores the body's extra calories, helps insulate the body, and protects body tissues. Fats are also an important energy source during exercise, when the body depends on its calories after using up available carbohydrates. Fat helps in the absorption, and transport through the bloodstream, of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Ingesting Emu Oil provides these EFA's which are also important to oxygen transfer, hemoglobin production, and control of nutrients through cell membranes. They markedly shorten recovery time from fatigue. Emu Oil can play a part in almost every function of our body.


This site is administered by the founder and assistants of the Emu Oil Institute. Questions regarding Emu oil not found within this site can be directed to the Institute by email.

If you have any questions, or we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us at 1-570-380-1077 and mention the Emu Oil Institute.

No information contained within the pages of should be construed as medical advice. We are not doctors. Please contact your physician for medical advice.



The Emu Oil Institute

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